Dr. Kenael Segal, DPT
Physical Therapist
Dr. Kenael Segal, owner of Lotus Physical Therapy and Wellness, graduated from Rutgers University with a doctoral degree in physical therapy and an intense passion for helping women heal their bodies. She has experience treating a wide variety of patients as young as a few months old to as "wise" as 92. She has treated and continues to treat the typical orthopedic conditions as well as a host of many other conditions including gait and balance disorders, Parkinson's Disease, chronic regional pain syndrome, multiple sclerosis, fibroymalagia, pelvic pain, and developmental delays. As rewarding as it is to treat such a variety of patients and conditions, treating women, specifically prenatal and postpartum conditions has become somewhat of an obsession. In addition to a doctorate, Dr. Segal has pursued additional course work addressing conditions such as pregnancy and postpartum care, pelvic floor, and spinal conditions and specialized treatment techniques such as visceral manipulation. Dr. Segal is also trained in mat Pilates as well as comprehensively trained in the use of a variety of Pilates apparatus through Beacon Pilates.
When not working, Dr. Segal is a busy mama of two beautiful children, wife, and "Jack of all trades," as described by some that know her. She enjoys the outdoors, gardening, yoga, painting, and most recently, woodworking. As a "holistic mama," Dr. Segal is passionate about providing the healthiest, homegrown and homemade foods, body, and household products for the family.